C.-M. Huang, C.-C. Yang, and C.-H. Chang (Taiwan)
Asymmetric, P2P topology management, scalable videocoding, multiple description coding.
P2P (Peer-to-Peer) video streaming applications are widely popular and emphasized, e.g., PPstream and PPlive, because of higher transmission speed and data availability. A scenario of asymmetric P2P (A-P2P) streaming depicts that different peers’ roles have different (asymmetric) capabilities of resource sharing with specific P2P topologies among heterogeneous devices and networks. Our research focuses on designing a novel A-P2P streaming architecture with a dedicated codec scheme that applies multiple description features into the scalable extension of H.264/AVC, which is to be adaptive and error-robust enough to tackle challenges in the A-P2P network environment. In the streaming architecture, our proposed device-aware P2P topology is responsible for constructing a hierarchical membership-tree based on the computing power of device, capacity of up stream bandwidth and round-trip-time. In our experiments, corresponding performances, e.g., average peer-join time and topology stability, will be measured and demonstrated.
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