S. Pukird, U. Tipparach, P. Kasian, and P. Limsuwan (Thailand)
SiO2, rice husk ash, coconut shell charcoal, Seebeckcoefficient, thermoelectric properties, nanostructures
We studied the thermo-electrical properties of ceramics prepared from rice hush ash. The materials were made from burning rice husk ash and coconut shell at different temperatures. Several metal oxides were mixed in these materials. The resultant powder was pressed into pellets. The pellets were heated at temperature of 700 °C for 1-3 hours, they resemble ceramics. The thermo-electrical property of the ceramics was conducted. The voltages between both sides of the pellets were observed. The electromotive force was found when different temperatures were applied on both sides of the pellet specimens. The Seebeck coefficient was calculated. The results indicate that these materials may be used as thermoelectric devices. The materials sources and the products on the substrates were investigated by scanning electron microscope (SEM) and energy dispersive X-rays (EDX). The images of SEM and EDX showed nanostructures of materials such as nanowires nanorods and nanoparticles of the products and sources.
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