The Effect of Spherical Hub-Nose Position on Pressure Drop in an Oscillating Water Column System for Wave Energy Conversion

Z. Taha (Malaysia), Sugiyono (Malaysia, Indonesia), N. Ahmad, R.A.R. Ghazilla, H.J. Yap, T.Y.T. Ya, R. Passarella, I. Hasanuddin, and M. Yunus (Malaysia)


Wave energy conversion, OWC, Hub-nose position, CFD.


This paper presents an investigation of pressure drop which occurred in an OWC system as the effect of spherical hub-nose position in an annular duct. Study has been carried out by means of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) under steady flow conditions for several hub-nose positions. As a result, the CFD analysis has been able to reveal the characteristic of pressure drop which was relatively reasonable. It was found that the hub-nose position influenced pressure drop occurred in the OWC system. In this study, the highest value of the pressure drop occurred when the hub-nose is at the position of 0.0 m relatively to the end of converging cone. The pressure drop tends to decrease when the hub-nose position move away from the end of converging cone. The lowest value occurred at the position of -0.5 m in which the hub needed to be extended so that the hub-nose is inside the converging cone. Although the change of pressure drop due to the effect of the hub-nose position is numerically small, this phenomenon needs to be considered in the design process of the OWC system. The consideration is related to the operational condition of the system which is at low– pressure pneumatic power, and actually the pressure drop reduces the potency of energy that will be converted by the air turbine.

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