S. Suresh (UK), C.G. Gayathri, P. Birahadish, and B. Saravanan (India)
In recent years, many studies have been conducted on Grid computing, in which users and resource providers organize various Virtual Organizations (VOs) to share resources and services. Sharing the resources to accomplish a task within a time-frame will have its benefits if it is done based on the Incentives which help to overcome the issues in Policy Based Resource Allocation. A VO organizes other sub-VOs for the purpose of achieving the VO goal, which forms the hierarchical VO environment. In this paper, we model and formalize the resource allocation problem in hierarchical VOs. Resource providers and VOs agree upon the VO resource sharing policy, such as resource sharing amount and resource usage cost for VOs. We provide the resource allocation scheme of a VO resource broker to increase the reliability on completing tasks with shared resources in order to meet a user’s job deadline. In addition, several cost adjustment methods in resource providers to utilize their resources efficiently in hierarchical VOs are dealt. The rapid growth of computer and network technologies has enabled global computing with plenty of resources which are heterogeneous and distributed geographically. The Grid has started from the realization of scientific computations over geographically distributed systems and has been an emerging technology in recent years. Many studies on Grid computing have been conducted, such as resource allocation, resource management, security, and Web Services. The large-scale Grid research projects provide VO services and organize various VOs to utilize distributed resources efficiently. In VO-enabled Grid environments, the VO-wide resource allocation problem becomes an emerging research topic, which enables a user to access several resources throughout VOs. The VO organizes its own sub-VOs for the purpose of achieving the VO goal, which forms the hierarchical VO environment. This paper deals with resource allocation problem in hierarchical VOs. Another important issue in Grid computing is economy-based resource allocation, which minimizes the resource usage cost of a user. The main contributions of this paper are as follows: (i) To model hierarchical VO environments for global Grids and formalize the resource allocation problem; (ii)To provide a VO-wide resource allocation scheme to minimize cost in order to meet a user’s job and increase the mutual-reliability among the users of the GRID.
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