GDSE: A New Data Source Oriented Computing Element for Grid

E. Ambrosi, A. Ghiselli, and G. Taffoni (Italy)


Grid Computing, Distributed Databases, Access Methods, Architectures, Queuing Systems


In a Grid environment the main components that manage the job workflow life are the Grid Resource Layer, the Grid Information System and the Grid Information Data Model. Until now, only some of the known computa tional resources, such as a hardware machines and a batch queueing system, have been take into account as valid Re source Framework Layer instances. However many types of virtual computing machines exist, such as a Java Vir tual Machine, a Parallel Virtual Machine and a Data Source Engine. The actual representation of a Grid resource in the Grid Information System and Data Model concerns only hardware computing machines. We argue that a Data Source Engine is a valid instance for a Grid computing model. Then we define a new Grid element that enables the access to a Data Source Engine and a Data Source, totally integrated with the Grid Monitoring and Discovery System and Resource Broker.

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