A Framework for PID Control Performance Improvement Systems

R. Sahu and S.K. Mathew


PID control, process control, performance improvement, performance index, controller tuning, framework


The pervasive use and performance problems of Proportional- Integral-Derivative (PID) controllers in the process industry sector prove that the implementation of a PID Control Performance Im- provement (PCPI) system is a value-adding activity. This article, based on the limitations of the existing control loop performance- monitoring tools, approaches PID control performance from an improvement perspective. An integrated framework for PCPI system development in the measure-diagnose-correct logical sequence is proposed. The various tools required for each phase, user interface requirements, and effectiveness of object-oriented system modelling are presented. Based on the proposed framework, a decision support system is developed for PID control. The application of the system to performance analysis and corrective action of a vulcanization process control proved substantial scope for performance improvement, thus validating the proposed framework.

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