A Morphological Approach for Biometric Identification of Individuals by the Processing of the Iris

J. de Mira, Jr. (Brazil)


: identification of individuals, biometrics, iris, pattern recognition and morphological operators.


This paper presents an approach based on morphological operators for application of biometric identification of individuals by segmentation and analysis of the structures of the human iris. Algorithms based on morphological operators are developed to segment the iris region from the eye image and also to highlight chosen iris patterns. To represent and characterize the iris are used the extracted features from the patterns. An algorithm is proposed to produce skeletons with unique paths among end-points and nodes, whose objective is to properly extract the desired patterns. After the morphological processing, the representation obtained is stored for identification purposes. The efficiency of the morphological approach can be illustrated by some results presented. The proposed system was developed to present low storage requirements and low complexity implementation.

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