S.-G. Kim, W.-S. Lee, and J.-H. Kim (Korea)
Tire Roller, Steering System, Traction System, HydraulicMotor, Hydraulic Pump
We are studying a hydraulic system design and vehicle dynamic modeling for a development of tire roller system, because those are very important in analysis of tire roller. Generally, tire roller is one of the useful machines in a road construction field and it technically applied for many other construction fields. Also, we conceptualize of new hydraulic and traction system, and define about to the motion equations for dynamic and hydraulic analysis. First, we design the hydraulic circuit of steering control and traction machine system, which can apply to advance performance of the lateral control and create prototype of construction equipment. Second, we formulate hydraulic steering and traction models through this study combined to the tire roller system development technology. Finally, we are validated about to acquire performance results in tire roller equipment by the data acquisition system. These results could help set priorities and design strategies for incremental introduction of tire roller technology in vehicle and construction field.
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