K. Berkbigler, B. Bush, K. Davis, N. Moss, S. Smith, T.P. Caudell, K.L. Summers, and C. Zhou (USA)
Discrete event simulation, object oriented implementation, hardware architecture, network.
We outline `a la carte, an approach for simulating com puting architectures applicable to extreme-scale systems (thousands of processors) and to advanced, novel architec tural configurations. Our component-based design allows for the seamless assembly of architectures from represen tations of workload, processor, network interface, switches, etc., with disparate resolutions, into an integrated simula tion model. This accommodates different case studies that may require different levels of fidelity in various parts of a system. The current implementation includes low- and medium-fidelity models of the network and low-fidelity and direct execution models of the workload. It supports studies of both simulation performance and scaling, and the properties of the simulated system themselves.
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